
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Are travel companies spreading their net wide enough ? - PPC SEO debate

Are travel companies spreading their net wide enough ? - 01-Nov-04.: A couple of pertinent posts - without the self promotion....

alex bainbridge:"A PPC budget is not dictated by total size - but by what return an indivdiual travel company can get from a booking. So a tour operator (big or small) can always afford to spend more on PPC than a travel agent - as they work on higher margins...

Darren Cronian: "I would say in general travel companies are using the net - but I don't think they are using it to it's full potential. Personally from a holidaymaker's perspective I think the major travel agents have a long way to go - many of these sites are unfriendly, and are out of date and detail inaccurate prices. "

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