
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

PPC Search Copywriting Strategies, Part 2


Testing is crucial....

"Always compare any new creative against current ads. Compare the CTR and watch for changes in conversion"

Try these ways to make ad copy more compelling:

"If you sell on price, put the price in the title.
Put the price in the description; lead with it if it's important.
Consider using a percentage off or a percentage savings message if you sell on price.
Add "free shipping," but make sure your free shipping doesn't have strings.

Use hot, power words that aren't superlatives, such as: "great," "save," "savings," "shop," "huge," "latest," "excellent," "selection," "low," "discount," "cheap," "choose," "now," "wholesale," "special," "on sale," "compare," "massive," "experienced," "specializing," "deals," "leading," "VIP," "outstanding," "rebate," "coupon," "wonderful," "search," "stunning," "fabulous" (this one works better on some demographics), "detailed," "easy," "guaranteed," and "quality.""

Contraversially after Geico case they suggest "Use brands in the copy if you carry them. If you're a brand, use that. A ton of money was spent building the brand. Use the brand equity to improve the copy"

Most useful is the link to Adwords tips and examples by the Google Team.

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