
Thursday, November 18, 2004

Overture tests RSS ads | CNET News.com

Overture tests RSS ads | CNET News.com: "Overture Services is experimenting with a new form of online advertisements that are paired with news feeds shuttled across the Web"

RSS is a technical format that lets publishers syndicate snippets of news or content to third parties, and in turn, allows Web sites or individuals to aggregate disparate information sources onto one page. (Overture parent Yahoo offers subscribers an RSS syndication service.)"

"RSS is seen by many investors and Internet executives as a powerful new tool for content distribution. It's also feeding a social phenomenon in the blogging and publishing community by connecting information providers and their readership more closely.... how to profit from the news-syndication technology is unclear for many publishers... several companies are looking to tap keyword-targeted search advertising, a multibillion-dollar business, for RSS feeds."

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